Some Kitten's Random Page

So I kinda don't have a vision for what kind of random things will go here

It's just a filler basically, I just named a bunch of placeholders for my menu thing and now I'm just trying to make it fit. Maybe random will be my blog a bit. Guess we'll see. I've been doing some messing about with my laptops and I did install Arch just for the meme (I use debian on my main computer, it's simple, stable and everything works). Like on debian for nvidia drivers all I need to do is enable non-free repos and apt install nvidia-driver.

On Arch installing the nvidia driver made the display crap out. I spent like 3 hours reading documentation and following the steps, but ultimately I never got it to work.

I think mainly why I like debian is that everything just works. apt is very powerful, and everything that you have access to are stable to a fault.

I do want to do more things in Arch, pacman is a much cooler package manager than apt. And I am running Arch fine on my 3rd laptop. I think basically if I didn't have to deal with the nvidia issues, then Arch would be my daily drive.